Resources:(click any of the titles below to visit the website in a new window)
- InfantSEE: A public health program, managed by Optometry Cares® - the AOA Foundation, is designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an essential part of infant wellness care to improve a child's quality of life. A comprehensive infant eye assessment between 6 and 12 months of age is provided as a no-cost public service. Visit the website for more information.
- American Optometric Association (AOA): To provide the public with quality vision and eye care. The AOA members consist of optometrists, students of optometry, paraoptometric assistants and technicians. Visit the website for patient resources and educational materials.
- American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO): To protect sight and empower lives by serving as an advocate for patients and the public and advancing the profession of ophthalmology. Visit the website for patient resources and educational materials.
- American Diabetes Association: To prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. Visit the website to learn more about diabetes.
- Glossary of Eye and Vision Conditions: Information and explanation for the most common eye and vision conditions. Visit this website to learn more about eye conditions and how you can be affected.
- Think About Your Eyes: A national public awareness campaign to educate the public on benefits of vision health. Visit this website to learn more about healthy vision.
- All About Vision: To provide consumers with an unbiased source of trustworthy information on eye health and vision correction option. Visit this website for a variety of eye related information.
- Optometry Giving Sight: The only global fundraising initiative that specifically targets the prevention of blindness and impaired vision due to uncorrected refractive error. Visit this website to learn more awareness, prevention, and contribution.
- National Eye Institute (NEI): Established by Congress in 1968 to preserve and prolong vision of the American people. Here is a list on the NEI website of different eye conditions along with information about each one.
This list is updated regularly. Check back for more information.
*the statements above are from the named website and are not copyrighted by Robinson Eye Institute.